Process-based riverscape restoration
North fork Sprague River, Oregon
PROJECT DESCRIPTIONProcess-Based Riverscape Restoration Design & Implementation
This project is a low-tech process-based (LTPBR) restoration design for approximately 1 km of mainstem and floodplain habitat within the North Fork Sprague River watershed. The restoration is designed to promote natural fluvial processes and ultimately result in development of a healthy and dynamic aquatic ecosystem with greater habitat quality and quantity for salmonid populations that rely on the watershed for spawning and rearing. The project Included a structural treatment plan and installation of 107 restoration structures that mimic large woody debris accumulations (i.e., post–assisted log structures, PALS) and beaver dams (beaver dam analogs, BDAs). The restoration plan also recommends a set of complementary restoration actions intended to promote beneficial geomorphic, vegetative, and hydrologic processes over a 5 – 10-year period at which point these processes may be expected to become self-sustaining The restoration plan was developed by Anabranch Solutions, LLC. in collaboration with Trout Unlimited and USFWS. The forward-thinking landowners of Harmony Preserve have provided the opportunity for this restoration action on their land. Funding for the design development and implementation process was provided by the Trout Unlimited. A successful implementation effort would not have been possible without the hard work of crews from Anabranch Solutions, and Swiftwater Designs; as well as guidance and training from Scott Niccoli; and support from Brent Brown Excavating. PROJECT Videos & Pictures |
project details:LOCATION:
Restoration Design, Implementation acknowledgements:CLIENTS/PARTNERS
The restoration plan was developed by Anabranch Solutions, LLC. in collaboration with Trout Unlimited and USFWS. The forward-thinking landowners of Harmony Preserve have provided the opportunity for this restoration action on their land. Funding for the design development and implementation process was provided by the Trout Unlimited. A successful implementation effort would not have been possible without the hard work of crews from Anabranch Solutions, and Swiftwater Designs; as well as guidance and training from Scott Niccoli; and support from Brent Brown Excavating. |